October 14, 2011
Alli and Dave’s Rehearsal Dinner at the Highlands Country Club in Garrison NY
What a wedding weekend for Alli and Dave! We first met them in May in Garrison NY for their engagement photo session at Alli’s 19th century home overlooking the Hudson river. Fast forward to September and there’s a beautiful tent in Alli’s backyard and all the details are in place for their Hudson Highlands wedding. But first, their rehearsal dinner brought a little Chi-town east with a “A Taste of Chicago”party at the Highlands Country Club in Garrison NY. Dave hails from the town’s North Shore so the dinner highlighted hometown sites and teams along with Chicago dogs and bbq pork on the menu and a Chicago cornhole competition out in the tent.
As master of ceremonies, Dave’s dad kicked off a wonderful night of toasts, both wickedly funny and touching. But first came a great Yalie tradition as the Mory’s cup snaked its way around the room with a perfect ending and rousing rendition of Mory’s Song…loved it! Then on to the Second City toasting & roasting by family and friends, as the waiting-to-toast line grew longer and longer. On both sides, family and friends had been waiting for this moment with years of funny anecdotes to share with the audience. A slideshow played throughout the night chronicling Alli & Dave through the years, and one of Alli’s friends bent Alli’s “no video” rule by showing some of Alli’s acting career in such roles as the Wicked Witch of the West…excellent!
Just a great party and the perfect prelude to their wedding…stay tuned for those photos coming soon!
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