April 23, 2012
Sperry Tents and Cape Cod Weddings: Featured in Cape Cod Life!
Our friends at Sperry Tents know a few things about Cape Cod (they’re based in Wareham MA, near the Bourne Bridge) and beautiful outdoor weddings. So, naturally, Cape Cod Life turned to Sperry Tents for a May 2012 feature article “The Perfect Day, The Perfect Tent” which used a few of our shots from Caity and Matt’s Hill-Stead Museum Wedding…the full page sunny tent interior, and Caity and Matt’s first dance. Sperry Tents really has it all: a distinctive, stylish, natural product that creates the atmosphere you’re looking for, with a weather-tested design (these guys were originally sailmakers) and awesome service. Working with them a lot, we always see the Sperry Tents guys looking after the tent from morning ’til night….definitely check them out at sperrytents.com.
Thanks to Caity and Matt (your wedding is popular!) and kudos to Lindsay and Talia of Sixpence for your Shoe who helped plan it all, and to Dragonfly whose flowers really pulled it all together for this beautiful wedding!

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