May 22, 2014
Linda Gelfond: Reinvention Project

In photographing my reinvention project I meet people who re-evaluate their life’s purpose, oftentimes focusing their energy and passion to help make other people’s lives richer.
Over the past two years I’ve had pleasure of getting to know a little about a wonderful woman, Linda Gelfond, whose daughter Pam’s wedding we photographed in 2012 in New York. As Linda writes…”It seems that more often than not, in today’s world, we have come to recognize that life’s various twists and turns are not only surprising, but also expected. Moreover, these changes have come to be celebrated. The challenge is to catch these curves balls and create a whole new ball field, in which we not only function, but also thrive. I began my professional life as a CPA and internal auditor, with a career at a Wall Street firm. I now find myself an educator, working with children who are struggling readers, and wholly committed to an array of not-for-profit activities. I work hard to make a real difference in the lives of children and their parents. I’m indeed fortunate to have these opportunities, but wise enough to have grabbed opportunities that add meaning and depth to my life. So much so, that if my personal circumstances hadn’t changed, my life wouldn’t have become so fulfilling.”
Linda added a terrific quote by Maria Robinson that sums up reinvention: “Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”
One of the non-profits that Linda works with is Project Cicero, which each year “collects 150,000 books and distribute to 1,000+ NYC public school teachers who teach in under-resourced schools.” Please spread the word about the good that Project Cicero does.
Thanks so much Linda for your participation in my project and your wisdom!!
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