A Message from a Wedding Client…Please Help the Japanese

We received the following email from Mika, our client.  Please consider making a contribution.

To family, friends, and colleagues:

For those who do not know me, I am a Japanese citizen living in Oakland, California working as a resident for Kaiser Permanente.  As a citizen of Japan, I wanted to find a way to help those affected by the disaster in my country.  I have been living in the United States for more than 20 years and have a network of friends who know my family and are as deeply affected by this tragedy as I am.

I wanted to thank you for all of your concern for our family in Japan.  Fortunately, our family members live in Kyushu and were not directly affected by the earthquake and tsunami.  However, there are thousands of people in northeast Japan who are currently homeless, without food or water, struggling to survive the aftermath of the earthquake, tsunami and now the threat of a nuclear meltdown. We have many friends in Chiba, Tokyo, and other parts of northeast Japan who were affected by this disaster.  Like many of you, I have been struck by the images and videos of the Japanese people replayed over and over on TV.  I know that some of you have already donated to the cause, but if you have not, I am asking you to make a difference and make a donation to the Red Cross.

Below is a link that the Red Cross has set up for us to donate to the Japan Disaster Relief fund:


Please forward this email to other friends and family who may be willing to help.

Thank you for your support,
Mika Sumiyoshi

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