
Category: Albums and Products - Page 3

As I type this post it’s 50 degrees on a sunny Saturday in February as we all emerge from our snow caves in Connecticut.  This mild spell is fleeting so let’s look forward to the upcoming seasons with a sample album bursting with warmth!  We made this 10×14 Queensberry “Duo” sample album of Marina and James’s wedding last year in Old Lyme–a great couple with a relaxed and stylish tented wedding on the Connecticut shore.  Take a look…may have to clear the snow off the outdoor fireplace and make a batch of s’mores!  Thanks Liz Calvi for taking the pics of the album!

Click here to see more photos…



Remember where you were the night Hurricane Irene hit Connecticut?  We were on the Connecticut River in Essex at Farrell and Darius’s wedding at the Dauntless Yacht Club in Essex CT.  In the calm before the storm they held their ceremony and were married, and Irene held off  just enough to photograph Farrell and Darius strolling down Essex’s Main Street.  Then the rains came, but the reception rocked on beneath the stylish and sturdy Sperry Tent.

Well…a few weeks back we delivered Farrell and Darius their Queensberry album from their wedding and it looks beautful–you can hardly tell there was a storm brewing at all.  In the photos Farrell just beams with happiness and is so quick with a smile–love her cracking up in the receiving line!  The Queensberry white leather cover along with white pages and mats really brighten the look, making the greens and reds pop in their album.

Back to the Hurricane…Farrell and Darius were able to have a full reception, dancing into the night, but come dawn all that remained of their tent site was a floating dance floor in the Connecticut River…quite a wedding to remember!  Click here to view more photos of their album.


We loved Christina and Trevor’s seaside wedding at the Larchmont Yacht Club in Westchester so much that we made a sample album from their wedding.  And we made a copy album too…a “mini-me” version of the 12×12 matted Queensberry album.  These copy albums make great gifts for parents or grandparents.  Queensberry albums are built to last with quality paper, leathers and workmanship which sets them apart from many other wedding albums.  In this day & age when we email iPhone snapshots taken 20 seconds ago, Queensberry’s in the business of making a timeless, handmade story told through your photographs, and–as they say–“We believe the people who will most value your new album haven’t yet been born.”

