Category: Client Spotlight - Page 2
March 24, 2014
Allison Pataki The Traitor’s Wife, Client to Know!

Attention all book groupies, here’s a intriguing and different read for you!
Benedict Arnold, traitor. We don’t know much more about him besides that. But what about the juicy backstory about his wife?…read on, book clubbers…
With her engaging tale, The Traitor’s Wife, Allison Pataki makes a big debut as a writer of historical fiction, highlighting the salacious story behind Benedict Arnold–how his young and beautiful wife, Peggy Shippen, co-conspired to (almost) stop the American Revolution in its tracks.
Jane and I got to know Alli and her husband Dave (pictured above) in 2011 when we photographed their wedding at her parents home overlooking West Point, NY. Alli’s been on a big PR tour this past month, on the Today Show, Morning Joe, etc. And she chatted with us via email…here’s some Q&A about Allison Pataki and her book, The Traitor’s Wife. Kudos Alli!!
Did you always want to be a writer? What draws you to historical fiction?
I’ve always loved a great story. I’ve always enjoyed writing and reading immensely. I love interviewing people and finding out what motivates them and how they respond and react to the events unfolding around them. I wrote news for several years before realizing that it was actually fiction writing that inspired me, more so than journalism.
Historical fiction is my favorite genre, both as a reader and a writer. Historical fiction allows us to slip back into another time period, or to inhabit a completely new, foreign land. It really is what excites my imagination, more so than anything else. Plus, I think that sometimes history proves even more dramatic than fiction. Certainly in the case of Peggy and Benedict Arnold, the historical account was so tense and salacious that I could not have made up a juicier plot for The Traitor’s Wife!
February 18, 2014
Client to Know: Ginger Jenne, Graphic Designer and Web Developer!
Running your own business you soon learn to focus on what you’re good at…and outsource the rest. That’s why we were psyched to meet Ginger Jenne, a terrific graphic designer and website developer…and a really nice person as well!
Ginger’s a great resource for creating or freshening your WordPress blog or website. Last year Jane and I got a chance to work with Ginger as our client in which she art directed our photo shoot of Hartford Symphony Orchestra Director Carolyn Kuan and designed the brochures and a huge banner hanging from the Bushnell theater…we loved the results! Ginger recently launched her own web design, graphic arts, and branding company, Jenne Design, based in Hartford’s some Q&A with Ginger who you can contact at Thanks Ginger!
How did you grow your career as a WordPress website developer?
Many years ago, I started by building and practicing on old HTML websites, which is a good base. I learned on my own by dabbling with code. Clients started requesting their sites on a Content Management System (CMS). So I started designing websites in Photoshop, where I would just send it out to a CMS developer to get built. That’s about when I met a local CMS developer who created their own proprietary system. The system was great at first, but that was right about when most CMS’s were in their infancy and there wasn’t a big player yet. The CMS market evolved so fast and during that time I was able to play with a lot of different ones. Eventually, on the recommendation of the CMS developer I met, he pushed me in the direction of WordPress. He abandoned his own system to instead use WordPress as well. Since then, all I have been using is WordPress and it’s hands-down, in my opinion, one of the most designer friendly web tools out there.
December 11, 2013
Clients to Know: Marina Luri Wedding and Event Planner!

Viva l’Italia! West Hartford’s Marina Luri-Clark (above with her family) runs Marina Luri Events, helping couples tie the knot in style all around the world–quite natural for this Italian-born planner. We sat down with Marina for some Q&A about her biz…a must read if you’re getting married in the near future. Terrific advice Marina, many thanks! To contact Marina email Buone Vacanze!
How does your business differ from other event planners?
A few things really set us apart. The first is that we are truly an international company. Personally, I speak 4 languages and have lived in 4 different countries. My partner, who is based in Milan, speaks another 3 languages and her family has a high end travel planning company. Together we have visited just about every continent and can understand most cultures. When planning and producing an event, understanding the local culture and having local connections is key. It also helps to know the language!
The second thing that sets us apart is that we have years of experience and specialize in working with clients and vendors from all over the world so we see a lot of the trends before they even happen. We also get inspiration from our travels so each one of our events is very different from the next.
You’re Italian; how has that affected your style and taste?
Italians will starve to buy that one beautiful and expensive item. As long as we look good, nothing else seems to matter. My mother always taught me not to look at ugly things. She said it would ruin my taste and foster mediocrity. I used to think she was nuts but as I began working in the fashion industry I grew to understand the concept. Even if I couldn’t afford what was inside an expensive shop, I loved looking at beautiful windows – it helped me appreciate good design and quality. More importantly, it made me aspire and dream big.
What are some of your favorite events you’ve planned?
My favorite event was a wedding on the beach in East Hampton NY. It was on a private property right on the bluff. The views were spectacular but the ocean air gave everything a magical feeling. We created 4 different settings on the property – each one different from the other so that guests were transported to a different atmosphere with each passing hour. We worked with the best vendors and it was spectacular to watch a concept on paper develop into reality. Lighting, catering, flowers and music – everyone was timed perfectly and brought their best. I have known the family for quite a while so it was very personal and emotional.
My other most favorite event was a wedding in Corsica, France. It was a great challenge and amazing to see it come to life–we were tasked with finding an English speaking priest for a wedding to be conducted in a small community church at the top of the mountain, finding magnolia flowers in June and renting an automatic Toyota Land Rover. Corsica is an island and quite rough. However, we managed to fly things in, work with a local pastry chef and get the 6 inch Louboutin-wearing bride up to a tiny church at the top of a mountain.
Any advice for couples for planning their wedding?
Yes – invest in a designer/producer and planner. People think they can do it all but as the event gets closer, emotions run high, it becomes stressful to think of all the details and the unforeseeable. Professional event planners know what to expect and plan accordingly. More importantly, they know how to deal with the unexpected and resolve issues if and when they arise.
It’s a shame to get so stressed when you should be enjoying one of the most wonderful days of your life. Leave the details, drama, schlepping and psychology to the planner – enjoy your party, family, and friends!