Lisa and Jeff’s Wedding at Avon Old Farms

Thanks Lisa and Jeff for letting us be a part of your wedding!  I love to shoot a daytime wedding because it’s a whole different light all day and makes for different and interesting shots!

Although, everything started early in the morning and this was the scene first thing:


Lisa got ready at Avon Old Farms Hotel.  I spent a lot of time shooting the bride getting ready and really liked the hair/make-up artist, Dana Bartone of Dana Bartone Salon (203-250-7709) — Lisa’s make-up looked great, Dana used top products, and was really friendly, yet unobtrusive.


It’s fun to shoot shoes:


Some moments with family in the morning:



Great eyes and window light:


The morning light made for a really romantic feel:


It’s probably hard to see on the blog, but I love it when grown men cry when they see their bride!  (sorry Jeff!:))


Jeff and Lisa saw each other before the wedding so we could shoot all the portraits before the wedding – I loved Lisa’s dress mixed with the trees–very fashiony:




Then we went across the street to Avon Old Farms Inn for the ceremony, cocktail party and brunch reception.

I loved this shot of Jeff and his dad during the Ketubah signing.  Please note that all the orange kippahs have Mickey Mouse on them.  Once again, the personal touches throughout a wedding really make it unique!


Guests are always asking me camera questions and I got several questions on how we shoot the wedding when it is backlit with windows.   Probably a lot of point and shoot cameras will meter off the windows and the couple will be too dark.  We definitely shoot this on manual settings and we expose for the couple, so they are the correct exposure and this blows out the background (which I like).  There’s no way to get both correctly exposed unless we added lights or a lot of flash so that the existing light on the couple was equal to the light level outside the windows which would be a little annoying during a ceremony!  Fascinating, huh?  But here’s the result. 

By the way, this is my second favorite tradition in Jewish weddings – the breaking of the glass – Mazel Tov!


Here’s my first favorite tradition – the Chair Dance!


Everything was done in fall colors – perfect for an October wedding.  The flowers were a major part of the design and were done by Bouquets and Beyond.


There was a great swing orchestra from Boston called White Heat – real pros:


The toasts:


Jeff’s napkin went to his face less than a minute after his dad started his speech–very moving!


Jeff’s parents:


A great take-away for fall – candied apples!


Thanks guys — you had a beautiful wedding!

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